Diverse and incredibly inspiring
CTY Greece offers students who have passed the exams Online, Weekend or Summer Programs for different age groups.
CTY Greece offers students who have passed the exams Online, Weekend or Summer Programs for different age groups.
Our summer programs are designed for students from 3rd to 11th grade who have successfully passed the CTY Greece exams. These programs offer the opportunity to explore advanced courses alongside like-minded peers who share a passion for learning.
Unleash your potential and embark on an enriching educational journey!
Connect with students from across Greece and beyond, becoming part of the dynamic CTY community.
Immerse yourself in a captivating learning environment where you’ll develop essential 21st-century skills.
For 7th - 11th grade students
Older Students Residential/Day Summer Program, Thessaloniki – Anatolia College
Older Students Summer Day Program, Athens – Ellinoangliki Agogi
Older Students Summer Online Program
For 3rd - 6th grade students
Younger Students Summer Day Program, Thessaloniki – Anatolia College
Younger Students Summer Day Program, Athens – Ellinoangliki Agogi
Younger Students Summer Online Program
“Classes are never boring at CTY Greece.”
(Ariana Ec., Summer Program OS 2022)
Thessaloniki, Anatolia College
Duration: 23/06/2025 - 11/07/2025
Arrival (for residential students only): Sunday 22/06/2025
The CTY Greece Summer Residential Program at Anatolia College offers high school students a three-week immersive learning experience that is both stimulating and rewarding.
All courses are taught in English, with each student focusing on a single subject throughout the program. From Monday to Friday (09:00 – 21:00), students engage in seven hours of classes, complemented by breakfast (for residential students), lunch, dinner, and activities (for both residential and day students). On weekends, additional activities are organized for students staying on campus.
The available courses for summer 2025 are:
Probabilities & Game Theory (Grades 7-9)
CSI@CTY (Grades 7-10)
Food Power: Highway to Health (Grades 7-10)
Foundations of Psychology (Grades 7-10)
Human Rights and Business Law: Responsibility in Action! (Grades 7-10)
Introduction to Biomedical Sciences (Grades 7-10)
Microeconomics & Sustainability (Grades 7-10)
Principles of Engineering Design (Grades 7-10)
International Relations (Grades 8-11)
Introduction to Computer Science (Grades 8-11)
Taming Randomness: An Introduction to Probability Models (Grades 8-11)
Sample Timetables:
Residential Program
07:00 - 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 - 12:00 Class
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:00 Class
15:15 - 16:15 Activity
16:15 - 16:30 Snack
16:30 - 18:30 Class
18:45 - 20:15 Activity
20:15 - 21:15 Dinner
21:15 - 22:15 Bedtime Preparation
Day Program
08:30 - 08:45 Arrival (Parents drop off)
09:00 - 12:00 Class
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:00 Class
15:15 - 16:15 Activity
16:15 - 16:30 Snack
16:30 - 18:30 Class
18:45 - 20:15 Activity
20:15 - 21:15 Dinner
21:15 Departure (Parents pick up)
"In addition to the knowledge acquired, I believe I've forged friendships that are destined to endure a lifetime."
(George M., Summer OS Program 2022)
Athens (Ellinoangliki Agogi)
Duration: 23/06/2025 - 11/07/2025
Classes are taught in English.
Each student attends one course throughout the program, Monday-Friday, with 5 hours of lessons, lunch and activities.
Parents are responsible for arranging transportation to and from the program location.
The available course for summer 2025 is:
Introduction to Computer Science (Grades 7-10)
Probabilities & Game Theory (Grades 7-10)
Sample Timetable
08:30 - 08:45 Arrival (Parents drop off)
09:00 - 12:00 Class
12:00 - 13:00 Break & Lunch
13:00 - 14:00 Activity
14:00 - 16:00 Class
16:00 Departure (Parents pick up)
"...revealed a talent within him that he didn't even realize he had."
(mother of Stamatis P., Online Summer Program 2023)
(Synchronous Teaching)
Duration: 30/06/2025 - 11/07/2025
Students participating in this program will experience CTY Greece from home, on a daily basis, through group and individualized activities based on active and experiential learning, virtual workshops, study and entertainment.
Each student selects and attends one course throughout the program.
Students are engaged in 4 synchronous class periods per day (approx 10:00-13:00) and need to have access to an electronic device, a camera, microphone and the internet.
The available courses for summer 2025 are:
Pythos: Where Code Bends the World (Grades 7-10) (taught in English)
Escape Room of Words (Grades 7-10) (taught in Greek)
As part of our Summer Programs, students engage in a comprehensive educational experience.
This unique opportunity brings together intellectually curious individuals from diverse backgrounds.
We foster academic challenge and growth within a supportive community built on respect, responsibility, and trust.
The courses are fast-paced and academically demanding, designed to match the students’ high potential.
We expect students to uphold the highest standards of behavior, both personally and academically. While CTY Greece provides clear guidelines and close supervision, students are ultimately responsible for their own conduct.
Students must attend all classes, as absences are not permitted during the summer program.
Students may have a mobile phone but must follow the program's rules. Phones must remain switched off during classes and activities. Families needing to contact students during the program should do so through the office.
"Everything happens in a more imaginative way at CTY Greece, almost as if you're embarking on an adventure."
(Markela A. F., Summer YS Program 2018)
Thessaloniki (Anatolia College) & Athens (Ellinoangliki Agogi)
Duration: 23/06/2025 - 11/07/2025
The CTY Greece Summer Day Programs offer elementary school students the opportunity to delve into the wonderful world of knowledge through interactive courses and fun activities.
Classes are taught in Greek.
Each student attends one course throughout the program, Monday-Friday, with 5 hours of lessons, lunch and activities.
Parents are responsible for arranging transportation to and from the program location.
The available courses for summer 2025 are:
Be a Scientist! (Grades 3-4)
Numbers: Zero to Infinity (Grades 3-4)
United Nations & Advanced Geography: Reshape the World (Grades 4-5)
Magic of Mathematical Thinking (Grades 5-6)
Robots in Action! (Grades 5-6)
Science & Engineering (Grades 5-6)
Be a Scientist! (Grades 3-4)
Numbers: Zero to Infinity (Grades 3-4)
United Nations & Advanced Geography: Reshape the World (Grades 4-5)
Magic of Mathematical Thinking (Grades 5-6)
Science & Engineering (Grades 5-6)
Sample Timetable
08:30 - 08:45 Arrival (Parents drop off)
09:00 - 11:45 Class
11:45 - 12:30 Break & Lunch
12:30 - 14:30 Class
14:30 - 15:30 Activity
15:30 - 15:45 Lesson Recap
16:00 Departure (Parents pick up)
(Synchronous teaching)
Duration: 30/06/2025 - 11/07/2025
Students participating in this program will experience CTY Greece from home, on a daily basis, through group and individualized activities based on active and experiential learning, virtual workshops, study and entertainment.
Classes are taught in Greek. Each student selects and attends one course throughout the program.
Students are engaged in 3 synchronous class periods per day (approx.10:00-12:30).
Students need to have access to an electronic device, a camera, microphone and the internet.
The available course for summer 2025 is:
Superhero Academy (Grades 5-6)
As part of our Summer Programs, students engage in a comprehensive educational experience.
This unique opportunity brings together intellectually curious individuals from diverse backgrounds.
We foster academic challenge and growth within a supportive community built on respect, responsibility, and trust.
The courses are fast-paced and academically demanding, designed to match the students’ high potential.
We expect students to uphold the highest standards of behavior, both personally and academically. While CTY Greece provides clear guidelines and close supervision, students are ultimately responsible for their own conduct.
Students must attend all classes, as absences are not permitted during the summer program.
Students may have a mobile phone but must follow the program's rules. Phones must remain switched off during classes and activities. Families needing to contact students during the program should do so through the office.
Experience the magic of CTY Greece from your home!
CTY Greece offers Online programs (synchronous & asynchronous teaching) to 3rd - 11th grade students, who have passed its exams. With a series of distance learning courses that combine innovative material, well-trained teachers and flexibility, the Center aims to meet the different and special needs of each student.
Registrations are available through the MyCTY Greece account and are considered complete upon fee payment.
The CTY Greece Family Program is a fresh new approach to learning that brings together parents and students!
This series of individual 90-minute workshops in Greek for the whole family gives parents the opportunity to get a taste of the world of CTY Greece and offers CTY Greece students the chance to share their knowledge with their parents while together they explore the fascinating world of science.
Scientific fields such as genetics, chemistry, psychology and mathematics come to life through online "a la CTY Greece" classes based on interactive and fun activities.
Registration is possible through your MyCTY Greece account by providing the name of one student per course per family.
Available throughout the academic year, it enables students to attend, one (1) CTY Greece course , once (1) a week, for 10 weeks, from their homes.
** Information about the Online Summer Program can be found in the Summer Programs section. **
Students need to have access to an electronic device with a built-in camera and microphone and the internet.
The courses are taught in English, once a week, 90 minutes (additional estimated personal work time 2-3 hours / week).
The courses are taught in Greek, once a week, 60 minutes (additional estimated personal work time 1-2 hours / week)
Three-month programs offered through the specially designed platform "Platon" .Taken from school or from home, at any time of year, they allow motivated students to make rapid progress through many available courses (asynchronous teaching - communication with teachers via email) during the year.
Each student chooses one (1) course. The workload does not exceed 4-6 hours / week. Each course consists of 10-11 units and a project. Students receive personalised credentials to enter the course platform and an email address to communicate with teachers.
Duration: Saturday & Sunday 10:00 - 15:30
Thessaloniki: Anatolia College
Athens: OTEAcademy
A taste of the courses offered in the Summer Programs, the Weekend Programs give students from 3rd - 11th grade the opportunity to participate in interesting presentations, unique events and pleasant activities.The courses on offer vary and are conducted in different Greek cities, as well as in Nicosia, Cyprus. These are courses lasting one weekend at a time, 10 hours in total (5 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday).
Registration is available through the MyCTY Greece account and is considered complete upon fee payment.
As part of a weekend program, students participate in a rich, interactive experience. The courses follow a fast pace, have high academic requirements and are governed by the CTY Greece guidelines that ensure the smooth and safe operation of the program. Students must demonstrate excellent behavior, both individually and academically. To this end, they must adhere to the rules appropriate to an academic environment, such as: academic and personal integrity, respect towards the ideas and property of others, and behaving in a friendly, cooperative, safe and responsible way.
Please note that mobile phones must be switched off during the entire duration of the program (lesson and break).
In case of non-compliance with the rules, CTY Greece reserves the right to take actions necessary to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the program. Tuition is not refunded to students expelled from the program.
All courses are taught in English and are designed not only to develop but also to enrich knowledge. Each student selects only one course for the duration of the program. The available courses cover a wide range of disciplines and include the following :
All courses are taught in Greek and are designed not only to develop but also to enrich knowledge. Each student selects only one course throughout the program period. The available courses cover a wide range of disciplines and include the following:
1. Older Students Residential Summer Program in Thessaloniki: 2450€
(Scholarships, that can cover up to 100% of this amount, are available for Greek and Cypriot students attending schools in Greece (or Cyprus) and having parents taxed in Greece (or Cyprus.)
2. Older Students Summer Day Program-Thessaloniki: 1850€
(Scholarships, that can cover up to 100% of this amount, are available for Greek and Cypriot students attending schools in Greece (or Cyprus) and having parents taxed in Greece (or Cyprus.)
3. Older Students Summer Day Program-Athens: 1850€
(Scholarships, that can cover up to 100% of this amount, are available for Greek and Cypriot students attending schools in Greece (or Cyprus) and having parents taxed in Greece (or Cyprus.)
4. Young Students Summer Day Programs – Thessaloniki & Athens: 1500€
(Scholarships, that can cover up to 100% of this amount, are available for Greek and Cypriot students attending schools in Greece (or Cyprus) and having parents taxed in Greece (or Cyprus.)
5. Older Students Online Summer Program: 650€
(Scholarships, that can cover up to 100% of this amount, are available for Greek and Cypriot students attending schools in Greece (or Cyprus) and having parents taxed in Greece (or Cyprus.)
6. Young Students Summer Online Program: 550€
(Scholarships, that can cover up to 100% of this amount, are available for Greek and Cypriot students attending schools in Greece (or Cyprus) and having parents taxed in Greece (or Cyprus.)
In the event of program cancellation due to force majeure, before the start of the course, all tuition fees will be refunded.
In case of program cancellation due to force majeure, during the course, the corresponding amount of tuition fees will be refunded.
In case of cancellation on your part, the CTY Greece office must be notified in writing. Refund is available until the 11/06/2025. Refund is not available after this date or the start of the program. The refund policy which applies before the start of the program is as follows:
- Until the 22/05/2025, 65% of the amount paid
- Until the 02/06/2025, 45% of the amount paid
- Until the 11/06/2025, 25% of the amount paid
Offered throughout the academic year (not summer programs):
Grades 7-10, Synchronous teaching: 570€
Grades 3-6, Synchronous teaching: 530€
Grades 3-11, Asynchronous teaching: 480€
Scholarships are not available for these programs.
If a student's participation is canceled within the first 2 weeks of the start, 50% of the tuition fee is refunded. The CTY Greece office must be informed in writing within the above time limit. No refund available for cancellations on your part after the first 2 weeks.
Weekend programs: 120€/Weekend (each offered program is independent and is not part of a weekend programs package.)
Scholarships are not available for these programs.
No refund is available.
Beneficiary: Trustees of Anatolia College
Bank Account: 0026.0520.15.0200017793
IBAN: GR9602605200000150200017793
Narrative: Student Last Name & Name
CTY Greece has financial resources that correspond to a significant number of scholarships for families who do not have the financial means to support participation in such programs. The scholarships are intended for students from Greece and Cyprus who have been selected for the Summer Programs. There are currently no scholarships for online and weekend programs.
Scholarships are awarded based on the students' grades, provided that the family income criteria are met. Scholarships can cover 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the tuition. The income criteria are as follows:
- Families with an overall income of less than or equal to 30,000€ and up to 2 children, can apply for a 75% or 100% scholarship.
- Families with an overall income of less than or equal to 50,000 euros and greater than 30,000 euros and up to 2 children, can apply for a 25% or 50% scholarship.
It should be noted that for families with more that 2 children the maximum overall income requirement increases by 3000€/child. For example, for a family with 4 children applying for a 75% or 100% scholarship, the overall income requirement is less than or equal to 36,000€.
Each student is entitled to 150% scholarship thoughout the years. For example, if a student gets 100% scholarship this year, he/she is entitled to 50% in the next years.
Families get up to 150% scholarship, if there are siblings in the same program in the same year.
Scholarships are awarded based on the students' grades, provided that the family income criteria are met. Scholarships can cover 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the tuition. The income criteria are as follows:
- Families with an overall income of less than or equal to 39,000€ and up to 2 children, can apply for a 75% or 100% scholarship.
- Families with an overall income of less than or equal to 55,000 euros and greater than 39,000 euros and up to 2 children, can apply for a 25% or 50% scholarship .
It should be noted that for families with more that 2 children the maximum overall income requirement increases by 3000€/child. For example, for a family with 4 children applying for a 75% or 100% scholarship, the overall income requirement is less than or equal to 45,000€.
Each student is entitled to 150% scholarship thoughout the years. For example, if a student gets 100% scholarship this year, he/she is entitled to 50% in the next years.
Families get up to 150% scholarship, if there are siblings in the same program in the same year.
To Κέντρο έχει εξασφαλίσει από τους υποστηρικτές του συγκεκριμένους χρηματικούς πόρους που αντιστοιχούν σε σημαντικό αριθμό υποτροφιών. Οι υποτροφίες προορίζονται για τους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριες που έχουν επιλεγεί για τα Θερινά Προγράμματά του Κέντρου. Τα διαδικτυακά προγράμματα και τα προγράμματα Σαββατοκύριακου δεν προβλέπουν προς το παρόν τη χορήγηση υποτροφιών.
Οι υποτροφίες χορηγούνται στους μαθητές που έχουν την υψηλότερη βαθμολογία, εφόσον πληρούν και τα εισοδηματικά κριτήρια. Ο αριθμός των υποτροφιών ορίζεται από το ύψος των χορηγιών και δεν είναι κάθε χρόνο ο ίδιος. Το ποσό αυτό φέτος κατανέμεται ως εξής:
Σε περίπτωση που κάνει αίτηση για οικονομική βοήθεια μαθητής που συμμετείχε με πλήρη υποτροφία σε πρόγραμμα του CTY Greece σε προηγούμενη σχολική χρονιά, δικαιούται μόνο μερική χρηματοδότηση (50%).
Συνολικά, ένας μαθητής που αιτείται οικονομικής βοήθειας σε περισσότερα από ένα έτη, μπορεί να λάβει έως 1 ½ υποτροφία.
Σε περίπτωση που μια οικογένεια έχει περισσότερα παιδιά υποψήφια για χρηματοδότηση στο ίδιο έτος, διευκρινίζεται ότι δεν μπορεί να δοθεί συνολικά πάνω από 1 ½ υποτροφία στην ίδια οικογένεια.
Tο Κέντρο για Χαρισματικά – Ταλαντούχα Παιδιά του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια/ CTY Greece έχει χορηγούς τις εταιρίες Lidl Hellas και AEGEAN Airlines και υποστηρικτές το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Ιωάννη Σ. Λάτση και το Ίδρυμα Hellenic Hope.